
"Brotherhood beyond all barriers."
This applies not only to accepting and celebrating the cultural, racial, sexual, and other differences that characterize our membership, but to an understanding of brotherhood beyond the ranks of our own organization — not just Greek unity, but humanity as a whole.
This is imagined as an ideal for which we strive — to make a positive impact in and on the lives of others, irrespective of difference.
To cultivate a global leadership network,
founded in brotherhood,
and impassioned by service
to each other and our world.
Our Pillars
These are the pillarsthat define us
The ideal Society refers to the community in which one lives. Sigma Beta Rho fosters the belief that individuals have a responsibility to the society to which they belong. It is one's duty as a brother to give back to one's family, community, and fraternity that which an individual has to offer to the ideal of service.Brotherhood
The invincible bond that is shared between the members of this fraternity. This bond is symbolized by the word "Qurbani" which is the Hindi translation of the word "Sacrifice". Qurbani represents the strength of our brotherhood and our unity as a Fraternity.Remembrance
At a time when many individuals share a birthplace different from that of their ancestors, it is necessary for an individual to recognize and appreciate his culture. Sigma Beta Rho not only encourages its members to appreciate their own culture, but also to gain an awareness of other cultures.

Sigma Beta Rho is the premier national multicultural fraternity in the United States. Founded in 1996 on the principles of duty to society, dedication to brotherhood, and the remembrance of cultural awareness, Sigma Beta Rho has since grown to share its goals with over 2,500 men on over 45 college campuses.
At Emory, we carried on Sigma Beta Rho's honored tradition of diversity in November of 2014 with our four Founding Fathers. In only a few years since, we have grown in size tenfold and now stand with brothers representing countries and cultures from all across the world: from Nigeria to Thailand, Turkey to South Korea, and Kazakhstan to Jordan, to name just a few. Between us, and our decades-old chapter at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the brand of SigRho ATL exploded onto the Greek scene with unforgettable events and a deep network of professional alumni and ambitious undergraduates alike. Since obtaining Chapter status from our national organization in just five years, we refuse to show signs of complacency—as we pass our eighth year since our founding at Emory, each one of our brothers has put in an immeasurable amount of hard work, and we are all proud to be part of the nation's premier multicultural fraternity.


"...in my opinion, nothing in the world is more important than to care for a child."
— Hermann Gmeiner, founder of SOS Children's Villages
As a fraternity that is heavily invested in service, we have chosen S.O.S. Children's Villages International to be our national philanthropy. This foundation has been working with disadvantaged families around the world (over 133 different countries) since 1960 in order to prevent crises that can lead to family separation. The focus is on abandoned, destitute and orphaned children requiring family-based child care. Millions of children worldwide are living without their biological families therefore S.O.S. provides about 50,000 such children and 15,000 young adults with a permanent new family, with a '24 hours a day' new S.O.S. mother to provide family-based care.
Besides supporting our national philanthropy, we are also very active in giving back to the greater Atlanta community. In our first few years, we have worked with numerous causes in the area: from participating in the annual MLK Day of Service as a chapter, to cleaning up Emory's own Lullwater park, contributing to the educational advancement of children with Kinspire, and actively volunteering with Medshare International and packing medical surplus for countries in need. Each brother demonstrates a staunch commitment to both philanthropy and community service, supported by an hourly service requirement for an active membership in our organization.