Our History Nationwide
The Founding Fathers of Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, Inc.
Mr. Saiful Khandker
Mr. Shoor Kalam
Mr. Russell Abdullah
Mr. Bonit Sharma
Mr. Rajan Dogra
Mr. Neil Datta
Dr. Suman Ghosh
Mr. Anuj Datta
The Alpha Chapter of Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, Inc. was founded on August 16, 1996 at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The founders came together with a vision of an organization for the betterment and preservation of South Asians in the United States. They envisioned a Greek-Lettered organization to this extent in which membership would remain constant and growing and would facilitate involvement from its alumni members. They realized that in order for their vision to truly become a reality they needed to spread their principles and ideals to other college campuses and establish a nationwide network.
August 22, 1998 witnessed the induction of several new members to Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, Inc. with whom brought the establishment of the Beta Chapter at the State University of New York at Binghamton. At this time eight men from three different universities would be given the status of founding fathers as they were the brothers who would establish the fraternity for years to come.
These eight men established this fraternity to foster the ideals of Society, Brotherhood, and Remembrance amongst its members. They believed that through their bonds of brotherhood they would be able to establish an organization that would instill unity amongst its members, promote South Asian culture, and aid the greater community at large. They felt that the principles of Society, Brotherhood, and Remembrance would develop leaders from young men both as undergraduate students on their college campuses and as professionals in their lives upon graduation. These young men would serve as role models and mentors in their respective communities, break down barriers between different ethnic groups, and through their leadership would aid their communities in this country in attaining a better and brighter future than it would have had. It is to this end that the brothers of Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, Inc. work so diligently towards to this day.

Our History at Emory

On November 7, 2014, four men were inducted as the Founding Fathers of the Emory Colony of Sigma Beta Rho: their names were Austin Kim, Serik Tukupov, Brian Shim, and Nikhil Vallabhaneni. Though their numbers were small, all four shared the same dream of establishing a revolutionary organization where young men from all over the world could both appreciate and respect their different backgrounds—to embrace the cultural ties that unite us together in the modern global community. As their numbers grew that following spring, the Alpha and Beta Classes flew the flag of Sigma Beta Rho high, proud of their service to their community, dedication to their brotherhood, appreciation of their diversity, and unwavering commitment to the construction of an unforgettable collegiate experience.